Irrigation Expansion Potential in Michigan

Irrigation Expansion Potential in Michigan

For the last three decades, Michigan's climate has slowly changed with longer growing seasons, increased total rainfall, but more erratic rainfall events. These trends are predicted to continue through 2050. Several efforts will be directed toward producers and industry professionals to increase their ability to evaluate the potential expansion of Irrigation in their areas of Michigan. Thus, this session will discuss the current status and scope of irrigation use in Michigan and what areas of the state are suitable for irrigation expansion.

Thursday, February 1

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About The Speakers


Younsuk Dong - Michigan State University

Younsuk Dong is an irrigation specialist at Michigan State University. His irrigation program focuses on improving irrigation efficiency through field research, education, and outreach activities. He currently serves as chair of Michigan Irrigation Water Use Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices (GAAMPs) and member of Michigan Water Conservation and Efficiency committee and American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) NRES-24 Irrigation Group technical committee. Dong also serves as technical advisor for Michigan Water Use Advisory Council.

Lyndon Kelley - Michigan State University

Lyndon Kelley is an Extension Irrigation Educator for both Michigan State University and Purdue University. He has worked to educate producers to improve irrigation management, utilizing irrigation scheduling, system uniformity testing, and soil moisture monitoring. During his 30 years of Extension experience, he has worked on the development of six different irrigation scheduling tools.